Sunday, March 07, 2004

Hormone Soup

One minute everything’s fine, the next minute I’m a puddle. Welcome to the world of post-partum. It will pass in a few weeks as this hormone cocktail works its way out of me, but for now I’m a freaking mess…when I’m not totally blissed out, that is.

Personality Profile:

Carrie Anne – fussy at night, doesn’t like to be alone, wants to be held, wants to eat first, has a placid expression most of the time.

Allison Jane – laid back, doesn’t need as much attention, needs to be encouraged to eat, impish grin and devilish look in her eye, gonna be a trouble maker I think.

Both babies are doing great, although Carrie has a cold (and I do too), so she’s even fussier than normal. We have survived a weekend with all 5 kids. Suffice it to say that neither of the grownups got much of anything done beyond the scope of household chores and child care, but everyone appears to be intact and most of us had a pretty good time, so I’d say it was a successful couple of days.

Tomorrow I’m starting up work again, and by next week I hope to be back to full time. I’m eager to get back to work – I haven’t enjoyed that aspect of this leave. I like working and I like to have some control over my business…it’s hard to manage all of that when you have a subcontractor doing most of your work. The sleep deprivation may kill me, though.

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