Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Is this cheating?

I don't know, maybe this will count me out of the whole post-a-day thing. BUT. BUT. I spent 6 hours at the caucus and didn't get home til after midnight. 6 hours! And I'm a delegate! Holy shit! Not what I was planning on doing AT ALL.

So, for me anyway, it's still the 4th of March, even though technically I'm 2 hours late. AND I sent in Utterz and Tweets while at the caucus, so that's blogging, right? Even though I realize they didn't come to this blog...they COULD have.

Si, Se Puede!

Okay, sorry, I'm tired and punchy and must go to bed. Tomorrow I'll write more about the whole caucus experience, including some of the TRULY ABSURD AND HORRIBLY WRITTEN resolutions that we thankfully did not pass as the evening wore on...and on...and on...


Len Edgerly said...

Bravo. This entry warmed my heart as I returned from our trek to the Panhandle a couple of hours ago, bedraggled and discouraged by the outcome last night. We trudge onward...

annie said...

Wow, that makes two of my twitter-buds who were chosen as delegates yesterday (@javajenn, too.) Sounds exciting, even if Texas' way of doing things is a little bizarre.